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Furnace Maintenance Guide

During the cold winter months, the last thing you want is your furnace breaking down. A broken furnace leaves you and your family with no heat and can also be costly. Fortunately, there are easy steps you can take to keep your furnace running smoothly.

Let’s look at what regular maintenance looks like for most furnaces and how it can save you money in the long run.


Changing the Filter 

One of the most essential yet simplest things you can do for your furnace is to change its filter regularly. Most experts recommend changing your filter once a month during peak usage times, such as winter when temperatures are lower and you use your furnace more often. If left unchanged, a dirty filter will clog up your system, making it harder for air to flow through and thus making it less efficient and more likely to break down. It’s an easy fix that can save you time and money in the long run!

Clear any Debris Around Your Furnace 

No debris blocking the airflow around your furnace, as this will prevent hot air from being evenly distributed throughout the house and cause the system to overheat and shut down. Be sure to clear away any leaves, dirt, or debris that has accumulated around the unit on a regular basis. 

Checking Pilot Light Settings 

If your furnace uses pilot lights instead of electric ignition systems, then chances are one may have gone out from time to time due to drafts or other causes. Before turning on the gas valve to relight it yourself, please ensure that all safety warning labels are followed correctly, as improper use can lead to hazardous conditions. If this is beyond your comfort level, consider having a professional do it for you so no surprises occur!

Lubricate Motors and Blower Assembly 

If your system has any moving parts, then make sure to check and lubricate them regularly according to manufacturer instructions. It will help reduce friction and keep the parts running smoothly. Also, inspect the blower assembly for any loose or broken components that could cause issues with airflow.

Clean Flame Sensors and Burners

Clean flame sensors and burners with a soft brush or cloth regularly. It will ensure that all dirt and debris are removed from the components, which can lead to improper furnace functioning. It’s also important to check that all wiring is connected properly and securely to prevent electrical fires or shocks.

Regular Professional Inspections 

Just like any other appliance or machinery, furnaces require regular professional inspections to ensure they run properly and efficiently. During a professional inspection, an experienced technician will check over all components of your system, including wiring connections, airflow levels, motor speeds, and more.

They will also be able to detect signs of corrosion or wear before they become too serious. It could save you from having to make costly repairs later on down the line. 


Maintaining your furnace properly throughout the year is essential if you want to avoid costly repairs down the line. Regularly cleaning or replacing filters, scheduling professional inspections every few months, and checking pilot light settings will help keep your heating system running smoothly!

With these tips in hand, now’s the perfect time to start practicing preventive maintenance on your furnace. Your wallet will thank you later!